
    Study on Genetic Diversity of 54 Sweet Corn Inbred Lines by SSR Markers

    • 摘要: 利用SSR标记对54份甜玉米自交系进行了遗传多样性分析,从150对引物中筛选出了56对扩增条带清晰、稳定性好的引物。结果表明:56对引物在54份甜玉米自交系中共检测到155个位点的等位基因变异,平均每对引物检测出的等位基因变异为2. 77个,变异范围为2~5个,平均多态性信息含量为0. 42 ,变异范围为0. 13~0. 71。UPGM.A聚类结果表明,可将甜玉米自交系划分为三大类,其划分结果与系谱分析基本一致。


      Abstract: The technique of SSR markers was used to study the genetic diversity of the sweet corn inbred lines,56 pairs of primers selected from 150 pairs of primers. A total of 155 polymorphic bands,an aver-age of 2. 77 alleles per primer,variation of 2-5 alleles for each primer , mean polymorphic information content of 0. 42 and its range from 0. 13 to 0. 71 were detected. Clustering analysis in UPGMA classified the sweet corn inbred lines into 3 groups,which were similar to germplasmic genealogy.


