
    Chlorophyll and Nutrient Characteristics in Leaves of Three Young Stands

    • 摘要: 用紫外分光光度计对不同密度的大叶相思Acacia auriculiformis、火力楠 Michelia macclurei、红苞木Rhodoleia championii幼苗叶片的叶绿素含量进行了测定,并用半微量凯氏法、钼兰比色法和原子吸收光度法对3种幼苗叶片的N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量进行了分析.研究结果表明:3个树种叶片的叶绿素含量与对应的叶绿素测定仪SPAD-502的读数存在显著的指数相关关系,并随着密度的增加而增加. 大叶相思林分中高密度林分的各种养分含量最高,红苞木林分的中密度林分的养分含量最高,高密度林分的养分含量低. 大叶相思叶片的N和Mg含量高而P含量低,火力楠叶片的K和Ca含量高而Mg含量低,红苞木叶片的P含量高而N和K含量低.


      Abstract: Contents of chlorophyll, N, P, K, Ca and Mg in leaves of young Acacia auriculiformis, Michelia macdurei and Rhodoleia championii stands were studied. Chlorophyll was extracted from the discs for 72 h in the dark using N, N-dimethylformamide. Absorbances at 647 and 664 nm were determined with a Shimadzu UV-/vis spectrophotometer. Concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg were determined by micro-Kjeldahl technique, chloro molybdophosphonic blue colour, and atomic absorption methods, respectively. The results showed that there were significant correlations between chlorophyll content in leaf and its corresponding reading measured by SPAD-502 for the three tree species, and the chlorophyll content increased with increasing stand density. Nutrient contents in high-density stands was the highest for Acacia auriculiformis stands, whereas they were the highest in middle-density stands and the lowest in high-density stands for Michelia macclurei stands. The N and Mg contents were high and P content was low in Acacia auriculiformis leaves, K and Ca contents were high and Mg content was low in Michelia macclurei leaves, whereas P content was high and N and K contents were low in Rhodoleia championii leaves.


