
    Effect of Photoperiod on the Seasonal Changes of Laying, Plasma PRL and LH in Magang Geese

    • 摘要: 通过人工控制光照研究了光周期对马岗鹅产蛋、PRL和LH分泌季节性变化的影响.整个试验期间对照组接受自然光照,处理组先后接受2次人工控制长短光照处理.研究结果表明,在非繁殖季节(4-7月),对照组的血浆PRL质量浓度升高(20~30 ng/mL),LH质量浓度下降(《1 ng/mL),鹅完成换羽;在繁殖季节(8-翌年3月),血浆PRL质量浓度处在低水平(10 ng/mL),LH质量浓度则上升(1~2 ng/mL);在处理组,2次的延长光照均使PRL质量浓度上升(20~30 ng/mL),LH下降(《1 ng/mL),母鹅进入休产期并完成换羽;缩短光照则降低PRL质量浓度(10 ng/mL),促使LH分泌(2~3 ng/mL),使母鹅进入产蛋期.试验结果证明,光周期主要是通过影响PRL和LH的分泌来调控马岗鹅季节性繁殖活动.


      Abstract: The present study examined the effect of photoperiod on the seasonal changes of laying,plasma PRL and LH in Magang geese.Adult breeding geese were either exposed to natural photoperiod(controls),or subjected to treatments of long and short photoperiods throughout the experiment.Plasma PRL concentrations increased in non-breeding season from April to July,and remained low in the rest of the year,while LH concentrations decreased in April to July and peaked in August to September.Increasing photoperiod increased PRL and decreased LH secretion,terminated lay and induced moulting in treated geese.These results demonstrated that long photoperiod directly inhibited reproductive activities in Magang geese while short photoperiod stimulating effect.The effect of photoperiod was mediated via the secretions of PRL and LH,whose seasonal secretions coordinated the breeding seasonality of this bird.


