
    Molecular Variation of the Disease-Specific Protein Gene of the Isolates of Rice stripe virus in Yunnan

    • 摘要: 对采自云南大理、陆良、禄劝、石林、玉溪、保山和宜良等地的水稻条纹叶枯病病样,提取病叶总RNA,经RT-PCR、cDNA克隆和序列测定,获得了水稻条纹病毒(Rice strip virus,RSV)7个云南分离物的SP基因序列,核苷酸长为537 nts,并与GenBank中已报道的RSV SP基因进行同源性比较,综合分析了云南RSV不同分离物SP基因的分子变异.对纤细病毒属6种病毒的SP蛋白氨基酸序列进行进化分析,结果表明RSV与MStV亲缘关系最近,与RGSV亲缘关系最远.


      Abstract: The SP gene of Rice stripe virus(RSV) isolates collected from Dali,Luliang,Luquan,Shilin,Yuxi,Baoshan and Yiliang of Yunnan Province was amplified by RT-PCR.The amplicons were then cloned and sequenced.Sequence analysis showed that the SP gene was comprised of 537 nucleotides.Molecular variation of the SP gene of the seven RSV isolates was analyzed and compared with that of other RSV isolates released in GenBank.Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the SP gene of different viruses demonstrated that RSV was most closely related to Maize stripe virus(MStV),and RSV has the farthest relationship to Rice grassy stunt virus(RGSV) in the genus Tenuivirus.


