Effects of Intercropping of Two Ecotypes of Sedum alfredii on Their Plant Growth and Zinc Uptake from Soils
摘要: 采用不同隔膜处理(即无隔膜处理、400目尼龙筛布隔开和PVC板隔开),将超积累和非超积累2种生态型东南景天套种,探讨不同程度根系互作对2种生态型东南景天的生长和吸收Zn的影响.结果发现,不同程度的根系互作对非超积累生态型东南景天的地上部生物量、根系生物量以及根系Zn浓度有显著影响.当2种生态型东南景天共享1个根际土壤(无隔膜处理)时,非超积累生态型东南景天的地上部生物量显著增加,比根系完全隔开处理增加了25%左右;与另外2种根系互作处理相比,当与超积累生态型的根系采用400目尼龙筛布隔开时,非超积累生态型东南景天的根系锌含量和土壤中NH4COOH提取态Zn含量显著增加,其地上部和根系生物量也显著降低.Abstract: The non-hyperaccumulating ecotype of Sedum alfredii Hance was intercropped with the Zn-hyperaccumulating ecotype to study the effect of different root interaction on their plant growth and Zn uptake by using different barrier separation, no barriers, mesh barriers, and PVC barriers. The results showed that significant differences were observed on the shoot and root biomass, and root Zn concentra- tion in the non-hyperaccumulating ecotype of Sedum alfredii with different extent of rhizosphere interaction. The shoots mass of the non-hyperaccumulating ecotype of Sedum alfredii significantly increased by about 25% compared with the PVC treatment. Compared with the other two treatments, root Zn concentration in the non-hyperaccumulating ecotype and soil NH4COOH extractable Zn concentration increased significantly when the roots of two hyperaccumulating ecotype were divided by mesh barrier, but shoot and root biomass of the non-hyperaccumulating ecotype decreased significantly.