
    Effects of Using Sonneratia apetala to Control the Growth of Spartina alterniflora Loisel

    • 摘要: 调查研究了珠海淇澳岛河口湿地人工种植无瓣海桑后互花米草的生长状况.结果发现,随着无瓣海桑红树林种植年限的增加,互花米草生长状况受到影响,表现为株高变矮、盖度减少、多度降低、频度较小、茎叶比增加、青干比增大、生物量减少.说明种植无瓣海桑可以有效地控制互花米草的滋生蔓延,并可恢复红树林生态系统.


      Abstract: Field investigation on effects of planting Sonneratia apetala to control the growth of Spartina alterniflora Loisel was conducted at the wetlands in Qi'ao island,Zhuhai,Guangdong.The results showed that,with year addition of planting Sonneratia apetala, the growth was affected,the height,coverage,richness,frequency and biomass of Spartina alterniflora decreased.while the mass ratio of stem to leaf and the ratio of wet to dry mass increased.This indicated that planting Sonneratia apetala can effectively control the rapid growth of Spartina alterniflora and also restore the mangrove wetland ecosystem.


