
    Effects of the Different Fertilization on the Biomass Pattern of Pterocarpus indicus Seedlings

    • 摘要: 利用回归分析和协方差分析对不同营养条件的印度紫檀Pterocarpus indicus幼苗各器官生物量与株高异速生长关系进行研究,结合残差分析建立了印度紫檀幼苗生物量的估测模型,并利用邓肯氏多重比较对施肥对生物量的分配关系进行了比较分析.研究结果表明:1)施肥处理对印度紫檀幼苗的生物量异速生长关系不产生显著的影响;2)施肥处理对苗木生物量分布比例存在一定的影响;3)根、叶生物量分布比例存在较为明显的反向关系,植物增加叶生物量的比例,相应降低根生物量的比例.


      Abstract: Biomass allometry of Pterocarpus indicus seedlings under different fertilization was studied based on the multiple regression analysis and analysis of covariation(ANCOVA).Combined with residual analysis,the biomass estimation model was established.The effects of fertilization on biomass distribution were also analyzed based on the Duncan's multiple comparison.The result showed that: 1) there were no effects of the fertilization on the biomass allometry of Pterocarpus indicus seedlings,2) the biomass distributions were affected by the fertilization,3) there was inverse relationship between the leaf biomass distribution and the root biomass distribution,i.e.the biomass allocation to leaf increased while the biomass allocation to root reduced.


