
    Biodiversity of Invertebrates and Threatened Species in New Zealand

    • 摘要: 对当前新西兰无脊椎动物生物多样性状况,以及新西兰无脊椎动物生物多样性所面临的威胁等进行了综述.在新西兰共有31种无脊椎动物被列入最受威胁的物种名录,其中昆虫18种、螨类1种、环节动物1种、软体动物11种.人类活动、栖息地破坏和外来物种的入侵是新西兰无脊椎动物多样性面临的主要威胁.


      Abstract: There is a diverse and peculiar biodiversity of invertebrates which play a vital role in maintaining native bird populations in New Zealand.The current biodiversity and threatened species of invertebrates in New Zealand were briefly reviewed in the present paper.There are 31 species of invertebrates included in the list of the most threatened invertebrates(18 species for insects,1 species for mite,1 species for annelid and 11 speices for molluscs).The main threats of invertebrates facing today are human activities,destroy of habitats and invasive alien species.


