
    Niche Characteristics of Dominant Populations in Pinus kwangtungensis Forest in Nanling National Nature Reserve,Guangdong,China

    • 摘要: 在广东南岭国家级自然保护区广东松Pinus kwangtungensis群落内,通过典型样地调查(调查面积共7200m^2),以不同林层作为一维资源位,以个体多度作为计测指标,计测了广东松群落中10个优势种群的生态位宽度和生态位重叠值.结果显示,在考虑资源利用率和不考虑资源利用率2种情况下,所得出的生态位宽度值不同,2种情况下优势种群排列顺序有很大差异.结合重要值分析结果,认为在考虑资源利用率情况下所计测的生态位宽度值更具有合理性.群落优势种生态位宽度值大部分较高,各优势种之间能相互适应与互补,整个群落处于稳定状态.广东松与其他优势种之间的生态位重叠值较小,一方面与其生物学和生态学特性有关,另一方面与在不考虑资源利用率情况下其生态位宽度值较小有关.


      Abstract: Using the classic plot survey method(survey area is 7 200 m~2),niche breath and niche overlap values of ten dominant species were calculated,with layer as one-dimension resource state and abundance as index,in the Pinus kwangtungensis community in Nanling National Nature Reserve of Guangdong.The result shows that niche breadth is significantly different between situations when the utilization of resource is considered and not considered.The sequence of the dominant species is obviously different under the two situations.Considering the result of important values of the species,niche breadth is more reasonable under the situation when resource utilization is considered.The niche breadth of dominant species is generally large,and the majority of the main tree populations can be interdependent and mutual beneficial.Thus the whole community is in stable state.The niche overlaps between Pinus kwangtungensis and other dominant species are correspondingly low.The reason on the one hand is related to its biological and ecological characteristics on the other hand is related to its low niche breadth when the utilization of resource is not considered.


