
    Naturally Colonized Plants of Coalmine Wasteland in Mingshan, Meizhou, Guangdong

    • 摘要: 通过野外实地考察,采用样方法,调查了广东梅州明山煤矿废弃地的植被和植物区系.结果表明:该地自然定居植物共64种,隶属于30科59属.主要包括禾本科(10种)、菊科(7种)、豆科(5种).全部定居植物中,1~2年生草本植物29种,多年生草本植物13种,木本植物18种,藤本植物4种.风播种子和果实是废弃地上植物繁殖体的主要来源.废弃地植物形成了一些相对稳定的单种斑块和小群落,这些小群落组成、结构简单,物种多样性总体水平偏低.五节芒Miscanthus floridulus、猪屎豆Crotalaris mucronata、艾蒿Artemisia argyi等可在煤矿废弃地上成功定居,并成为这些植被中的优势种,可作为废弃地植被恢复治理的优先选用物种.群落存在着由草丛向灌草丛、灌木林演替的趋势;随着废弃地植物群落的形成与演替,群落中物种丰富度增大,多样性指数呈增加趋势.废弃地的坡向和坡度也是影响植物定居的重要因子.


      Abstract: Using field investigation and quadrat method,a study was conducted on the vegetation and flora of the coalmine wasteland in Mingshan Mountain,Meizhou,Guangdong.There are 64 species of naturally colonized plants on the wasteland,which belong to 30 families and 59 genera.The main families are Gramineae(10 species),Compositae(7 species),Leguminosae(5 species).Among all the colonized plants,there are 29 annual and biennial herbs,13 perennial herbs,4 lianas and 18 woody plants.The vegetation on the coalmine wasteland was distributed on spot piece and scattered with simple structure and low species diversity.Wind-dispersal seeds and fruits are the main resource of propagules in the wasteland.Miscanthus floridulus,Crotalaria mucronata and Artemisia argyi could colonize successfully and were dominant species in the vegetation that could be used for vegetation restoration in the coalmine wasteland.There was a community succession tendency from grass to mixed grass-shrub and then to shrub community,and species richness and diversity index coincided with this succession.The aspect and slope of wasteland are important factors affecting plant colonization.


