
    Research of some Physiological Characteristics Under the System of Rice Intensification

    • 摘要: 在田间强化栽培条件下,对常规水稻粤新占和杂交水稻天优372整个生育期的根系活力、植株含氮量以及生育后期的灌浆速率和叶绿素含量变化特点进行研究.结果表明:水稻强化栽培明显提高了植株的根系活力和灌浆速率;提高生育后期植株的含氮量及成熟期叶绿素含量,延缓生育后期叶片衰老,从而提高了结实率和产量.


      Abstract: Under the system of rice intensification,the root activity,N content of plant in all growing stage,the filling rate and the chlorophyll content in ripening stage were studied by using the conventional rice variety "Yuexinzhan" and hybrid rice combination "Tianyou372".The result showed that the root activity in all growing stage,the N content and filling rate in late growing stage,chlorophyll content in ripening stage were increased,and the leaf senescence was delayed,therefore,the grain setting rate and grain yield were increased under the system of rice intensification.


