
    Molecular Marker-Assisted Breeding of Restorer Lines with Bacterial Blight Resistance in Oryza sativa

    • 摘要: 利用4类粳型亲籼系与携带有2个恢复基因Rf3、Rf4和4个抗白叶枯病基因Xa4、xa5、xa13和Xa21的品系构建回交群体,应用与目标基因紧密连锁的以PCR为基础的分子标记进行辅助选择(MAS).在BC1F1选择到2个恢复基因和4个抗白叶枯病基因全杂合的植株19个.在BC1F2对19个当选株系进行MAS,共选择到28株至少含有4个纯合目标基因的单株,其中3个单株在6个目标基因座位上均带有纯合目标基因型.测交结果表明,选取的2个具6个纯合目标基因的单株对野败型细胞质雄性不育系有良好的恢复力.


      Abstract: Backcross populations were constructed using four kinds of Indica-compatible Japonica lines(ICJLs) and lines with two restorer genes,Rf3,Rf4 and four bacterial blight(BB) resistance genes,Xa4,xa5,xa13 and Xa21.Molecular marker-assisted selection(MAS) was conducted using polymorphic PCR markers tightly linked with six genes mentioned above.Nineteen plants with all six heterozygous target genotypes were selected in BC_1F_1 and developed to BC_1F_2 lines.These lines were detected further.Twenty-eight plants with at least four homozygous target genotypes were obtained.Among them three plants were found to contain six homozygous genotypes,thus indicated successful pyramiding of restorer and BB genes.The test showed that 2 selected plants with six homozygous loci were good restorative to wild abortion type cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)lines.


