
    Dynamics of meromorphic functions

    • 摘要: 把Baker在整函数迭代函论方面的结果推广到亚纯函数,并利用该结果研究由亚纯函数,的迭代函数的反函数分支构成的函数族的正规性,证明了定义在具有某些性质的区域D上的该类函数族的所有极限函数都是复常数且属于亚纯函数,的Julia集合中.


      Abstract: In this paper, the normality of the family of inverse branches of meromorphic functions is investigated. First, a result obtained by Baker is extended. Second, by using the extended result, it is proved that all limit functions of the family of inverse branches of meromorphic functions f are complex constant and belong to the Julia set off, which are all defined and regular in the some complex domain D.


