
    Change of farmland landscape pattern in urbanization process based on RS and GIS technologies

    • 摘要: 利用1988、1997和2002年3期的TM遥感影像数据和地理信息系统(GIS)技术得到广州市白云区农业用地景观变化图,计算各时期农业用地景观格局指数.通过比较分析,发现1988~2002年白云区农业用地景观面积急剧萎缩,主要向水体、城镇用地和开发用地转移,农业用地景观的斑块数、破碎度、分离度、形状指数趋于升高,斑块的平均面积和周长不断减少.采用逐步回归法对影响农业用地景观变化的内在因素进行了分析,结果表明农业用地景观类型的转化主要与高程、坡度、距城市中心距离、距城镇用地距离、距林地距离有关,其中以高程、距城镇用地距离、距城市中心距离影响最甚.


      Abstract: Baiyun region,a district of Guangzhou was taken as a case study area.Based on the interpretation of Landsat-TM data(with three digital images taken in 1988, 1997 and 2000,respectively) and GIS technologies,dynamic changes of farmland landscape types were attained and some landscape pattern indices were computed and analyzed.The results showed that farmland landscape area shrank rapidly,and mainly converted into water,town and other development lands from 1988 to 2002.The number of patches,fragmentation degree,dispersion degree and shape index were increasing,but the mean area and mean perimeter of patches were decreasing.The factors that influenced changes of farmland landscape were also analyzed by using step regression method,the results indicated that there was a correlation between changes of farmland landscape types,elevation and slope,the minimum distances from farmland to the cores of town,to urban area and traffic lines,and to forests.


