
    Cymbidium lowianum var. changningense,a new orchid variety from Yunnan, China

    • 摘要: 基于采自中国云南昌宁的植物,对兰科新变种白玉蝉兰Cymbidium lowianum vat.changningense作了描述与绘图.此新变种区别于原变种在于花葶较短,具3~7朵花;花较大,直径10~11cm,有香味;唇瓣上的褶片较短,长1.3~1.4cm.


      Abstract: A new orchid variety, Cymbidium lowianum (Rchb.f.)Rchb.f. var. changningense X. M. Xu, is described and illustrated based on the plants collected from Changning county of Yunnan, China. The new variety differs from var. lowianum by having a shorter scape with 3-7 scented flowers 10-11 cm diam, and two rather short lamellae 1.3-1.4 cm long on the lip.


