
    The taxis of Diaphorina citri to the volatile oils extracted from non-host plants

    • 摘要: 应用四臂嗅觉仪测定了柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri对假臭草Eupatorium catarium、马樱丹Lantana camera、蟛蜞菊Wedelia chinensis、薇苷菊Mikania micrantha、柠檬桉Eucalyptus citriodora5种非嗜食植物挥发油和机油乳剂的趋性反应.结果表明:薇苷菊、马樱丹、蟛蜞菊、假臭草4种植物挥发油对柑橘木虱成虫都有显著的驱避作用,其中薇苷菊挥发油的驱避作用最强;桉油和机油乳剂对柑橘木虱成虫既无明显的驱避作用也没有吸引作用;雌雄成虫对测试的5种挥发油和机油乳剂的趋性反应没有差异.


      Abstract: In this study, the taxis of Asian citrus psylla, Diaphorina citri, to volatile oils extracted from its five non-host plant species and a petroleum spray oil were tested by using a four-armed olfactometer. The result showed that the volatile oils from the plant species, Mikania micrantha,Lantana camera, Eupatorium catarium and Wedelia chinensis had significant repellency effect on adult of Asian citrus psylla. Among them, the effect of volatile oil from M. micrantha was the strongest, while there were not repellency or attractive effect for the eucalyptus oil and petroleum spray oils to the pest. There was not any difference between the females and males taxis to these oils. The result demonstrated that the repellency of volatile oils from the non-host plants against Asian citrus psylla was very sngnificant. It could be possible to use these oils in integrated management of the pest.


