
    Seasonal change of light-trap collections of Sogatella furcifera

    • 摘要: 自1979年以来,在广东省肇庆市设置诱虫灯监测白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horvath.)的种群数量变化.结果表明:白背飞虱各年的始见日在3月或4月内,始盛日在4月或5月内.年发生动态为双峰型,即早稻和晚稻高峰,早稻高峰多在5月上旬至7月下旬之间,晚稻高峰多在9月上旬至10月中旬之间.全年高峰有些年份是早稻高峰,而有些年份则是晚稻高峰.末见日多在11月下旬.根据24年发生高峰日的日诱获数量、旬平均诱获数量及全年的累计数量比较各年的发生严重程度,结果表明,20世纪70年代末至80年代初白背飞虱的发生严重,而90年代末,直至本世纪初发生较轻.


      Abstract: Monitoring seasonal change of white-back rice planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), collected by light-trap in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, since 1979. The result showed that: The earliest date of collection was in March or April in these years. There were two population peaks in one year. The first peak in early rice was between the first ten days of May to the first ten days of July. The second peak in late rice was between the middle of September to the middle of October. According to the collections in the peak day, and 10 days average, the accumulative total of all days in early rice and late rice time, it was showed that: The occurrence of white-back rice planthopper was more serious from the late of 1970s to the middle of 1980s, however its occurence was more lighter in late of 1990s, even to the early years of the 21 century.


