
    Study on the flora of seed plants in Bajie Wetland Nature Reserve of Xizang, China

    • 摘要: 西藏巴结湿地自然保护区有种子植物132种,隶属于43科104属.其中,裸子植物2科3属3种,双子叶植物35科82属102种,单子叶植物6科19属27种.可分为7个分布区类型,包括世界广布属26属,热带性质的属12属,温带性质的属66属.区系分析表明,本区系具有植物种类较为匮乏、温带成分及世界性分布属占绝对优势、中小型属占优势、草本植物较多、特有种丰富的特征.通过对本区系的分析研究,旨在为本区植物及植被资源的开发利用及保护和《西藏植物志》的修订提供资料.


      Abstract: There are 132 species of wild seed plants in Bajie Wetland Nature Reserve of Xizang, China, which belong to 104 genera and 43 families. Among them, 2 families, 3 genera, 3 species belong to gymnosperms; 35 families, 82 genera, 102 species belong to dicotyledoneae and 6 families, 19 genera,27 species belong to monocotyledoneae. In the flora, the geographic distribution of seed plants in this area can be divided into 7 types, which comprise 66 genera of the temperate, 12 genera of the tropic and 26 genera of the cosmopolitan. Floristic analysis indicates that the flora of this area is poor. As its component, at the generic level the temperature and cosmopolitan elements, especially the medium or small ones, dominate. At the specific level there are rich endemic species and herbaceous species of different life forms. The study provides the information for the management and conservation of plant resources in this area and for the revision of "Flora of Xizang".


