
    Relationships between yield characters and hormone in the young spike of rice

    • 摘要: 以空间诱变选育的优质水稻新品种华航一号和空间诱变选育的水稻新品系华航八号以及它们的原品种为材料,用酶联免疫吸附测定法测定了幼穗分化Ⅰ期和Ⅲ期幼穗的激素含量,调查了成熟期的每穗粒数和结实率.华航一号幼穗的b吲哚乙酸(IAA)/b异戊烯腺嘌呤(iPAs)与原品种特籼占13差异不显著,每穗粒数和结实率也没有显著差异;华航八号幼穗b(IAA)/b(iPAs)显著低于原品种粤香占,结实率也显著低于原品种粤香占,每穗粒数则显著高于原品种粤香占.幼穗b(IAA)/b(iPAs)与每穗粒数呈负相关,与结实率呈正相关.


      Abstract: Hormone contents in young spikes were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and yield characters were investigated in Huahang No.1, Huahang No.8 and their original cultivars. There are no significant differences in the ratio of indole acetic acid to isopentenyladenine b(IAA) /b(iPAs) in the young spike, as well as grains per spike and the seed setting percentage between Huahang No.1 and its original cultivar Texianzhan 13. The ratio of b(IAA) /b(iPAs) in the young spike of Huahang No.8 is significantly lower than that in its orginal cultivar Yuexiangzhan. The grains per spike of Huahang No.8 is significantly higher than that of Yuexiangzhan. The seed setting percentage of Huahang No.8 is significantly lower than that of Yuexiangzhan. The ratio of b(IAA) /b(iPAs) in young spikes is negatively correlated to grains per spike, and positively correlated to seed setting percentage.


