
    A newly recorded species of Carea from China (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

    • 摘要: 报道了夜蛾科赭夜蛾属Carea Walker中国一新记录种,即Carea subangulata Kobes,1997.该种在外部形态上与C.angulata 和C.parangulata很相似,但很容易从雄虫外生殖器上区分,编制了赭夜蛾属Carea Walker在中国已知种的检索表。


      Abstract: Carea subangulata Kobes, 1997 is reported for the first time from China. The species is similar to C. angulata (Fabricius) and C. parangulata Kobes from the external characters, but can be easily recognized by male genitalia. A key to Chinese species of the genus Carea is given.


