
    Methods for extracting hydrophobic pigments in litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn. ) pericarp

    • 摘要: 以易褐变的荔枝Litchi chinensis Sonn.果皮为材料,对比研究了乙醚研磨提取、体积分数为95%乙醇热浸提法、V(乙醇):V(丙酮)=1:1热浸提和V(乙醇):V(丙酮)=1:1浸提法对果皮中叶绿素、类胡萝卜素和叶绿素b/叶绿素a测定值的影响,发现不同的提取方法测得的上述3个指标的数值有较大的差异;进一步研究提取液的吸收光谱后发现,4种提取方法中只有乙醚研磨的提取液具有类胡萝卜素和叶绿素的典型吸收光谱,其余的3种提取方法普遍提高了光密度,且在350m波长附近出现了杂乱的吸收峰。


      Abstract: Easily browned litchi pericarp was chosen to study the extraction effects of chorophll, carotenoid and chorophll b/chorophll a. Different extraction methods showed different results with the same material. The absorption spectrum characteristics were subsequently subjected to study. Results displayed that only that of extraction methods used with ether was accordance with the former reports.The other related extractions showed higher aptical density and there were irregular unknown absorbance peaks appeared around the wavelength of 350 nm.


