曹永长 毕英佐. 禽流感与人类健康[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2004, 25(3): 116-119. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2004.03.031
    引用本文: 曹永长 毕英佐. 禽流感与人类健康[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2004, 25(3): 116-119. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2004.03.031
    CAO Yong-chang,BI Ying-zuo. Avian influenza and human health[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2004, 25(3): 116-119. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2004.03.031
    Citation: CAO Yong-chang,BI Ying-zuo. Avian influenza and human health[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2004, 25(3): 116-119. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2004.03.031


    Avian influenza and human health

    • 摘要: 禽流感(avian influenza,AI)是由A型流感病毒(avian influenza virus)引起的一种禽类感染征或疾病综合症,高致病性禽流感(highly pathogenic avian influenza,HPAI)可引起禽类100%的死亡。由于抗原转变和抗原漂移,禽流感病毒是高度可变的。人禽流感是指高致病性禽流感病毒跨越物种界限,引起人类感染的一种新发传染病。目前,全球已发现H5N1、H7N7、H9N2等亚型禽流感病毒可感染人类。但目前还没有发现禽流感病毒具有在人群中相互传播的能力。对禽流感必须采用积极的预防策略。在加强监测的基础上,对家禽采用扑杀和免疫相结合的措施,可以有效地控制禽流感的流行。研制人类流感疫苗,是预防新的流感病毒株的流行的可靠保证。


      Abstract: Avian influenza(AI) is an infection or syndrome caused by influenza virus type A, and highly pathogenic avian influenza(HPAI) caused by subtype H5 and H7 can lead to 100% mortality in poultry. A-vian influenza virus are highly labile, because of antigenic drift and antigenic shift. Human "avian influenza" is a novel infectious disase caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus which cross barrier between species. It was found that avian influenza virus subtypes H5N1, H7N7 and H9N2 can infect humans, but there was no evidence for person-to-person transmission of those avian influenza A viruses. Based on intensified inspection, culling and immunization with killed vaccine can prevent avian influenza epidemic. Developing new influenza vaccine with H5, H7 or H9 subtype is an effective method to prevent human influenza pandemic.


