
    Application of the finite element technique on air-conditioner pipeline vibration analysis and optimization design

    • 摘要: 应用PIC公司的Pro/E软件建立空调器管路系统的三维模型,通过ANSYS软件的专用Pro/E接口将模型导人到ANSYS软件中,在ANSYS软件中建立该管路的有限元分析模型,计算出前20阶固有频率和振型,并且在此基础上模拟压缩机的激励,分析管路的振动响应特性。通过对实例计算分析,提出减少配管振动的优化设计方案,证明了应用ANSYS软件的有限元技术进行空调管路减振的可行性。


      Abstract: Three-dimensional pattern of air-condition pipelines was established by Pro/E software, transferred to ANSYS environment, and a pipeline finite element analysis model constructed to caculate the first 20 stairs inherent frequency and vibration mode. Simulating compressor excitation and analyzing pipeline vibration re-ponse characteristics, an optimization design scheme for decreasing the matched pipelines vibration was obtained by caculation and analysis. This demonstrated that it was feasible to decrease air-condition pipelines vibration by the finite element technology of ANSYS software.


