
    Rational selection of equivalent cross beam system width

    • 摘要: 高层建筑结构整体计算时,厚板转换层一般等效为交叉梁系.通过对厚板进行局部有限元分析计算,找出影响等效梁宽度的诸因素,按刚度等效的原则,反算出等效梁的宽度.据此得出,应主要根据板的跨度和厚度,分承受均布线荷载和集中荷载两种情况,以指数拟合公式来确定等效梁的宽度.


      Abstract: The transfer slab is generally replaced by equivalent cross-beam systems when the integral structure of a tall building is computed. In this study, partial analytical computation of the transfer slab with the Finite Element Method was done, the factors influencing the width of equivalent beam were found, and the width of the equivalent beam was obtained by reverse calculation according to the principle of equivalent rigidity. The conclusion was that the main influencing factors were the span and thickness of the slab, and that the ideal computing formula for the width of the equivalent beam was exponential fitness depending on whether there existed concentrated load or uniformly distributed load.


