
    Application of Precision Farming Technology on Grassland Resource Management

    • 摘要: 把精细农业技术应用于草地资源调查,利用GPS和GIS精确采集数据和管理数据,用Suffer绘制了草地土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤圆锥指数、土壤全氮、土壤全磷、土壤全钾、土壤有机质、土壤速效磷和土壤速效氮的分布图,并以最高产草量处的土壤理化性质为目标制作了土壤理化性质处方图,为精细农业技术的实施提供了依据。试验结果表明:在草地资源管理中应用精细农业技术是可行的;调查草地的土壤磷含量比较缺乏。


      Abstract: According to the precision farming technology and theory, GPS and GIS technologies were used to investigating, collecting and managing the data of grassland resource. Base on the investigation data, the prescription maps were figured to show the content of the soil moisture content,soil bulk density,soil cone index,soil total nitrogen,soil total phosphorus,soil total potassium,soil organic matter,soil available nitrogen,soil available phosphorus and soil available potassium in the investigation area. The prescription maps showed it was feasible that the precision farming technology could be applied in grassland resource investigation and management, and the prescription maps showed that the content of total phosphorus was lack significantly on the investigation grassland.


