
    A Comparison of Restraint Effect Between the Six Preparations of Anaesthetic and Chemical Restraint Drug in Tigers

    • 摘要: 使用氯胺酮、氯胺酮 安定、麻保静、复方麻保静、鹿眠宁、846合剂等6种麻醉药和化学保定药对华南虎、东北虎、孟加拉虎等3亚种虎22头共进行163次麻醉或化学保定,根据临床效果观察对其作了比较分析.结果表明复方麻保静、鹿眠宁对3亚种虎的化学保定效果最佳;麻保静、氯胺酮 安定次之;氯胺酮、846合剂较差。且同一种药剂对不同亚种虎的麻醉或化学保定效果没有明显不同。


      Abstract: The ketamine, ketamine+diazepam, xylazine, compound xylazine, Lumianning and 846 complex were used as anaesthetic and restraint drugs to treat 163 clinical cases in twenty two tigers including six South China Tigers ,thirteen Siberian Tigers and three Bengal Tigers, and the restraint efficacy of the six preparations were compared.The results showed that the efficacy of compound xylazine and Lumianning was the best, the xylazine and ketlamine+diazepam running second, and ketamine and 846 complex was the poorest. The restraint efficacy of the six drugs did not differ significantly when they were used for restraint in the three subspecies of tigers.


