
    Study on the Spatial Distribution Patterns of Nephopteryx sp. Larvae and Sampling Methods

    • 摘要: 运用聚集度指标法及Iwao回归法研究了腰果云翅斑螟幼虫的空间分布型。结果表明幼虫的分布型呈聚集分布,而被害果属均匀分布。5种不同的抽样方式比较,以随机取样法为最优。


      Abstract: The spatial distribution patterns of larvae of Nephopteryx sp. were studied by means of aggregation indices and Iwao's regression model. The result showed an aggregation distribution pattern for the larvae and a uniform distribution for the fruit damaged by the larvae. With the different sampling methods compared, it was found that random sampling method was the best.


