Soil Characteristics of Afforestation Land of Ecological Scenic Forests in Bao′an, Shenzhen
摘要: 研究了深圳市宝安区生态风景示范林的3种典型造林地-灌丛地、马尾松残林地和水土流失地的土壤养分状况、微生物数量和酶活性。结果表明:各造林地养分含量偏低,细菌占微生物数量的86%以上。土壤养分含量、微生物数量和酶活性呈现灌丛地>马尾松残林地>水土流失地的倾向。Abstract: The nutrients, microorganisms and enzyme activities of soils in shrub land, Pinus massoniana stand land and erosion land were studied. The nutrients were poor in all land and amount of bacteria counted more than 86% of the soil microorganisms. The order of soil nutrient concentrations, microorganism number and enzyme activities were shrub land > Pinus massoniana stand land > erosion land.