
    Study on Fertilizer Effects of Compound Fertilizers Made of Ni-Removal Concentrated Liquor from Spent Electroless Nickel Solution on the Potted Corn

    • 摘要: 盆栽试验施用2种由磷,氮含量较高的化学镀镍废液沉淀除镍之浓缩液制成的复合肥,结果表明;施用浓缩液复合肥后,玉米幼苗生长正常,肥效与对照的“过磷酸钙”复合肥无显著差异;与不施肥相比,可显著提高玉米幼苗地上部干质量和土壤的N、P、K含量,表明浓缩液复合肥对玉米生长有明显的效果。


      Abstract: The pot experiment was carried out to study fertilizer effects of two kinds of compound fertilizers that were made of Ni-removal concentrated liquor from spent electroless nickel, which the concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen were high, on the corn and changes of the nutrients in the soil. The results showed that two concentrated liquor compound fertilizers could make the growth of corn shoots normal, and fertilizer effects were not significantly different with that of superphosphate compound fertilizer. Compared with the no fertilizer treatment, concentrated liquor compound fertilizers could remarkably increase dry mass of corn biomass and contents of N,P,K in the soil. It revealed that the concentrated-liquor compound fertilizer had obvious fertilizer effect on the corn.


