
    Studies on Active Influence of VA Endomycorrhiza on the Plants

    • 摘要: 将从荔枝分离的VA菌根菌接种尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)组培苗及玉米(Zea mays)实生苗,结果表明,VA菌剂对2种供试植物的生长具有明显的增效作用。接种3个月的桉苗比对照增高34.2%,地径增加21.1%,根干质量增长29.5%,以同样的方法接种玉米也得到相似的结果,株高、地径及根干质量3个生长指标在接种2个月后分别增长28.6%、25.6%及70.4%。在接种的植株根部均可发现VA菌根特有的泡囊和丛枝结构,由此推断,该VA菌剂对供试植物具有实际应用和开发价值。


      Abstract: In order to investigate the influence of the VA mycorrhiza isolated from root soil of Litchi on the tissue cultural seedling of Eucalyptus urophylla and Zea mays seedling, the VA preparation was inoculated and a strong growth response of the two plants to the infection of the VA mycorrihizal fungus exist. The result showed that the 3 monthes' inoculated Eucalyptus urophylla seedling was 34.2% higher in height, 21.1% wider in stem diameter and 29.5% more in dry root mass than those of the control and the similar result was obtained in the Zea mays seedling. The vesicles and arbuscules special to the VA mycorrhiza were observed in the cortex cells of the young roots from the inoculated plants but without from the same position of the control. It is suggested that the VA endomycorrhiza improves the growth of the tested plants significantly and has its practical value in development.


