
    Concentration and Distribution of Nutrients in An Artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata Stand Ecosystem at Yishan

    • 摘要: 对广西宜山11生低产杉木人工林的N、P、K,Ca、Mg的含量和分布进行了研究。结果表明:各组分中叶和果的养分浓度最高。各养分中Ca和N的浓度最大。杉木林生态系统中,土壤的各种养分储存量达到生态系统相应养分总量的99%以上。杉木林叶量小,林冠下部宿存大量的枯枝叶及立地条件差可能是造成宜山杉木林低产的原因。


      Abstract: Concentration and distribution of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in a 11 year old artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata stand on a poor soil were studied. The highest concentration of nutrients was found in leaves and fruits, and N and Ca concentrations were higher than those of other nutrients. Accumulation of five nutrients in soil contributed more than 99% of the total in Cunninghamia lanceolata stand ecosystem. The small leaf amount with a lot of attached dead leaves and branches and bad site condition may be responsible for the low yield of Cunninghamia lanceolata stand.


