
    Polymorphic Analysis of Microsatellite Markers in Oryza sativa L. Mutants Induced by Space Flight

    • 摘要: 选用299对微卫星引物,对经卫星搭载回收的水稻品种“特籼占13”种子种植后选育出的5个突变株的后代进行DNA多态性分析,结果表明:变异植株与原种之间均存在着不同程度的微卫星多态性。在有效扩增的283对引物中,引物多态性频率介于0.35%-2.47%之间,且多态性位点在水稻基因组中是随机分布的。


      Abstract: The genomic DNA polymorphism of five mutants, selected from rice variety Texianzhan13 seeds which had been flown on a recoverable satellite, was analysized by using 299 rice SSR(simple sequence repeats) primer pairs selected throughout the 12 chromosome of rice genome. The results indicated that the polymorphism among mutants and origional variety was various. The polymorphic frequency, based on the ratio of number of primers amplifying polymorphic band pattern to the number of amplifying any bands, was 0.35% to 2.47% in different mutants.


