
    Eco-Economic Evaluation and Sustainable Development Measures for Zhongshan City

    • 摘要: 在可持续发展思想的指导下,以生态经济学理论和中山市现有规划为依据,将中山市国家级生态示范区划分为中-东部中心城镇建设与自在生态保护区,西-西北部工业生态发展区,东北部农业生态开敞区和南部环境生态建设区4个生态经济区,对各生态经济区分别进行生态经济评价,并提出其可持续发展对策。


      Abstract: Based on the sustainable development idea and the eco economic theory, the social and economic conditions of Zhongshan city was analyzed and it was divided into 4 eco economic regions: the central town constructive region and the nature conservation region, the industrial eco developmental region, the opening agricultural region, and the eco environmental constructive region Sustainable developmental measures was proposed for the city in society, economy, resource and environment aspects


