
    Studies on the Wide Cross of Chinese Orchids and the Germination of Their Hybrid Seeds

    • 摘要: 以兰属,文心兰属,蝴蝶兰属的兰花为材料,对中国兰花远缘杂交及其杂交种子的萌发进行了研究,结果表明:(1)国兰类各种间杂交易成功,结果率为80%以上;(2)墨兰和大花蕙兰杂交,结果率和杂交种子数量胡品种和正反交不同而异;(3)兰属和其他属兰花杂交,结果率较低,且的杂交种子量很少;(40兰花杂交种子萌发形成的中间繁殖全的种类和数量,随杂交组合不同而不同,墨兰和大花蕙兰的杂交种子萌发后形成原球茎,其余组合产生根状茎,通过原球茎和根状茎途径已生产兰共杂种试管苗近万株,并对中国兰花远缘杂交育种和杂种试管苗生产进行了讨论。


      Abstract: Investigations were carried out on the wide cross of Chinese orchids and the germination of their hybrid seeds using the orchids of Cymbidiums, Phalaenopsis and Oncidium as materials. The results showed : (1) the fruit set ratios of combinations made with different Chinese orchid species were over 95%; (2) in combinations of Cym.sinense and Cym. hybrids , the fruit set ratios and the amount of seeds per fruit were different with the cultivars of Cym. hybrid and their reciprocal crosses; (3) the fruit set ratios were lower and the amount of seeds per fruit were less when crossing Chinese orchids with other genera orchids; (4) different kinds of hybrid seeds formed different kinds and amount of intermidiate propagule , the hybrid seeds from combinations of Cym.sinense and Cym. hybrids formed protocorm like body, while others formed rhizome; (5) about 10 000 seedlings were produced through protocorm like body and rhizome pathway; (6) the wide cross breeding of Chinese orchids and the hybrid seedlings production were discussed.


