耿世磊,吴玉荷,赵晟,吴鸿. 马尾松茎初生树脂道发生和发育研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2000, (3): 44-47. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2000.03.012
    引用本文: 耿世磊,吴玉荷,赵晟,吴鸿. 马尾松茎初生树脂道发生和发育研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2000, (3): 44-47. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2000.03.012
    GENG Shi-lei,WU Yu-he,ZHAO Sheng,WU Hong. The Initiation and Development of Resin Ducts of the Primary Structure of Stem in Pinus massoniana Lamb[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2000, (3): 44-47. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2000.03.012
    Citation: GENG Shi-lei,WU Yu-he,ZHAO Sheng,WU Hong. The Initiation and Development of Resin Ducts of the Primary Structure of Stem in Pinus massoniana Lamb[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 2000, (3): 44-47. DOI: 10.7671/j.issn.1001-411X.2000.03.012


    The Initiation and Development of Resin Ducts of the Primary Structure of Stem in Pinus massoniana Lamb

    • 摘要: 利用常规石蜡切片方法对马尾松茎初生结构中树脂道的结构、分布和发生、发育进行了研究,结果表明:树脂道分布在皮层和初生木质部中。皮质树脂道原始细胞起源于约距茎端生长点390μm处,原形成层两侧的基本分生组织中。其发育经过5个阶段:原始细胞阶段,细胞壁中层膨胀阶段,胞间隙形成阶段,腔道扩大阶段和树脂道成熟阶段;初生木质部树脂道起源于原形成层细胞,发育过程与皮层树脂道相同。文中对茎初生结构中2类树脂道结构的差异及油松相比皮层树脂道原始细胞发生延迟的原因进行了分析和讨论。


      Abstract: Withthe help of traditional paraffin-section method, the structure, distribution, initiationand development of resin ducts of the primary structure of stem in Pinus massoniana wereinvestigated. The results were as follows the resin ducts were found in both cortex andprimary xylem. At the level 390 micrometer from the shoot tip, a group of the corticalduct initials developed from the ground meristematic cells which are located at both sidesof the procambium bundle. The development can be divided into 5 stages the initial stage,the intercellular layer swelling stage, the intercellular space forming stage, the ductexpanding stage and the mature stage. In the primary xylem, the duct initial cellsdeveloped from the procambium cells. The style of development was similar to that of theresin ducts of cortex. The difference of structure between two kinds of resin ducts instem primary structure and the reason for delaying initiation of cortical resin ducts inP. massoniana, compared with P. tabulaeformis, were analyzed and discussed.


