
    Determination test of mating ability of three-line hybrid sow: I

    • 摘要: 为了测定三系配套母猪的配合力,在华农温氏皇宫猪场,对5种组合W211、W212、W362、W351和W352的杂交母猪生长发育性能进行对比;用S121系公猪与上述5种杂交母猪配种,生产商品肉猪,比较不同杂交母猪的生长性能、胴体性能、体型外貌和繁殖性能情况。试验结果表明,不同杂交母猪的体型外貌有一定差异,其中,W211系猪乳头数偏少、体长偏短;W212系猪有效乳头数较多、体长中等;W362系猪有效乳头数偏少、体长短;W351系猪有效乳头数偏少、体长较长;W352系猪有效乳头数较多、体长最长。W352系母猪在产仔性能和配种分娩率方面都比W211系母猪要好,其中,一胎猪胎均总仔高0.7头,胎均活仔高0.6头,胎均健仔高0.5头;经产猪的胎均总仔高0.7头,胎均活仔高0.9头,胎均健仔高0.8头。W352系猪生长速度快、背膘稍偏厚。不同杂交母猪都有一定的杂交优势,但W352系母猪在产仔数方面的杂交优势率较明显(大于5%)。W352系猪体型高长、繁殖性能优势明显;三系母猪因杂交优势、高产纳入利用,平均每头出栏肉猪新增获利达13.9元以上。


      Abstract: In order to determinate mating ability of three-line hybrid sows, we compared the growth and development performances of five kinds of hybrid sows, including W211, W212, W362, W351 and W352, and mated the S121 boar with five hybrid sows respectively to produce commercial pigs in Huanggong pig farm of Huanong Wens. The growth performance, carcass performance, body comformation and reproductive performance of different hybrid sows were compared. The results showed that the body comformation of different hybrid sows had certain differences. The body length of W211 pig was short and its teat number was less; The effective teat number of W212 pig was more and its body length was medium; The effective teat number of W362 pig was less and its body length was long; The effective teat number of W351 pig was less and its body length was long; The body length of W352 pig was the longest and its effective teat number was more. The farrowing performance and farrowing rate of W352 sows were better than those of W211 sows. The total number born, number born alive, number born robust of W352 first-born sows was 0.7, 0.6, 0.5 higher than that of W211 respectively. The total number born, number born alive, number born robust of W352 multiparous sows was 0.7, 0.9, 0.8 higher than that of W211. W352 sow had a rapid growth rate and a slightly thicker back fat. There was a certain heterosis in different hybrid sows, but the heterosis of W352 sow in litter size was more obvious (more than 5%). W352 line has the advantages of high body length and reproductive performance. Using three-line hybrid sows because of its heterosis and high yield, the average added profit per head of slaughter pig reachs more than 13.9 yuan.


