
    Breeding of Landrance specialized line W52

    • 摘要: 2001年从法国伊彼得种猪优选公司引进长白公猪19头、母猪78头,2002年从北京养猪育种中心引进法系长白公猪8头、母猪210头,组建基础群,采用开放式继代选育法,经过14年选育得到W52系,并培育成具有生长速度快、体型高长、产仔数高的特点,适合作为大体重上市配套肉猪的母系父本使用。


      Abstract: The nucleus herd was composed of 78 sows and 19 boars of Landrace imported from Hybrid Company of France in 2001, and 210 sows and 8 boars of Landrace from Pig Breeding Center of Beijing in 2002. The open systematic breeding and the Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) method were used in the breeding system. The specialized line W52 was obtained after 14 years of breeding.The line W52 possessed the characters of fast growth, high and long body and high reproduction performance. This line was a suitable sire dam line in the WS501 Synthetic Line.


