
    Breeding of Landrance specialized line W51

    • 摘要: 为了选育符合生长速度快、体型好、背膘薄、繁殖性能较好的第一父本W51系,种猪公司以水台原种场存栏的华农温氏Ⅰ号配套系的长白猪HN151系种猪为基础群,采用开放式闭锁繁育方法,期间引入外血,优化血缘,加强种猪体型、繁殖性能的选育。经过近10年的选育,培育成了生长速度快、繁殖性能较好,体型结实的母系父本温系长白W51,是温氏集团使用最为广泛的母系父本种猪。


      Abstract: Landrance HN151 line of Huanong Wens synthetic line was used to the nucleus base, which located at the Shuitai Pig Breeding Farm. The open systematic breeding method was used with introduction of unrelated boars. The Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) method, Molecule Maker Selection and Genomic Selection were used in the breeding system. In the selection objections, the body-shape and the reproduction performance were emphasized. The specialized line W51 was obtained after 10 years of breeding. This line W51 possessed the characters of fast growth, high reproduction performance and good shape, and was used as the sire of dam line in Wens pig production.


