李建国 谭耀文. 钙与荔枝裂果关系初探[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1999, (3): 45-49.
    引用本文: 李建国 谭耀文. 钙与荔枝裂果关系初探[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1999, (3): 45-49.
    Li Jianguo,Gao Feifei,Huang Huibai,Tan Yaowen,Luo Jingtang. Preliminary Studies on the Relationship Between Calcium and Fruit-Cracking in Litchi Fruit[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1999, (3): 45-49.
    Citation: Li Jianguo,Gao Feifei,Huang Huibai,Tan Yaowen,Luo Jingtang. Preliminary Studies on the Relationship Between Calcium and Fruit-Cracking in Litchi Fruit[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1999, (3): 45-49.


    Preliminary Studies on the Relationship Between Calcium and Fruit-Cracking in Litchi Fruit

    • 摘要: 研究结果表明裂果程度不同的单株其裂果率与叶片中钙含量呈显著负相关;裂果严重果园中土壤交换性钙、叶片和果皮中钙含量显著低于裂果较轻的果园;裂果果皮中钙的含量显著低于正常果;喷施含钙盐的防裂素后,既显著提高了叶片和果皮中钙水平,也显著降低了采用前裂果率水分胁迫减少荔枝果皮中钙的积累并增加裂果,特别是在假种皮的快速生长期。因此,认为增加叶片和果皮中钙的含量有利于减少荔枝裂果。


      Abstract: A negative correlation was found between the calcitum content in litchi leaves and the rate of fruit cracking. The exchangeable calcium in the soil and the calcium contents in the leaves and fruit peel were significantly lower comparing the orchards where fruits severely cracked with the orchards of light fruit cracking. The calcium content in cracked fruits was significant higher than that in the normal fruits.Sprays with a solution containing calcium compounds increased significantly the calcium levels in the leaves and fruit peel, and significantly lowered fruit cracking rate. Water-stress reduced the calcium accumulation in fruit peel especially in the rapid growth of aril, and thus increased the fruit-cracking rate.It suggested that increasing calcium contents in leaves and the fluit peel should lower fruit-cracking in litchi.


