This research was conducted to study the effect of different tillage management systems (TMS) and working depth on maize production. The TMS used in experiment 1 were moldboard + disc harrow (MB+DH), chisel (CH), disc harrow twice (DH2), rotovator (RT) and no-tillage (NT) as a control. This experiment was conducted on a sandy loam soil. The results showed highly significant differences between treatments. The chisel (CH) significantly influenced maize growth parameters, reduced soil bulk density, soil tillage resistance, increased soil moisture at all depths and finally gave higher maize yield and yield components parameters while the no-tillage (NT) treatment gave the lowest performance. Experiment 2 was conducted on a clay soil with two treatments, no deep loosening (NDL) 20 cm depth and deep loosening (DL) 40 cm depth using tine. The results showed that the deep loosening significantly increased soil moisture, reduced soil bulk density, soil tillage resistance and finally increased maize production.