
    Preliminary Study on the Seed Rain and Seed Bank of the MixedEvergreen and Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest on Fanjing Mountain

    • 摘要: 梵净山山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林─—亮叶水青冈(Faguslucida)·厚皮香八角(Illiciumtern-stroemioides)群落种子雨量达18种260粒/m2,其中成熟有效种子80粒/m2.在天然萌发开始时种子库中有活力种子33种2076粒/m2,其中现存植物种子18种204粒/m2,演替前期各阶段植物种子15种1872粒/m2;木本植物种子20种,草本植物种子13种.种子库的枯枝落叶层中全为现存植物种子.土壤层中随深度增加,活力种子种类和数量均逐渐减少.天然萌发开始时种子库中现存植物的活力种子种类及数量丰富,群落更新潜力好.


      Abstract: The seed rain of the mixed evergeen and deciduous broad-leaved forest on Fanjing Mountain,i.e. Fagus lucida. Illicium ternstroemioides community, is 260 m-2 of 18 species. The amount of theripe germinative seeds in the seed rain is 80 m- 2. At the beginning of the natural germination of the seedbank, the viable seeds in the seed bank are 2 076 m-2 of 33 species. Of the viable seeds, the presentplant seeds are 204 m-2 of 18 species, the seral earlier species seeds are 1 872 m-2 of 15 species. Theviable seeds belong to 20 woody species and 13 heth species. All the seeds in the litter of the seed bankare produced by the present plant. The species and the amount of the viable seed in the soil reduce grad-ually with the depth increasing of the soil. At the beginning of the natural germination of the seed bank,there are many viable seeds of the present plants in the seed bank. The regenerative potential of the pre-sent commnity is good.


