The results of this investigation indicated that the stem extract of Eucalyptus urophylla inhibited the rooting rate, root number and the length of roots of mung bean cuttings by 17.09% ,13.47% and 50.21%, respectively; inhibited the rooting rate, root number and the length of roots of pea cuttings by 13.84%,21.37%, and 15.41%, respectively; and inhibited the germination rate of wild cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L. var. caulorapa DC) seeds by 61.42%. The stem extract of airplant kalanchoe ( Kalanchoe pinnata ) improved the root number of mung bean cuttings by 26.26%, but inhibited the length of roots of mung bean cuttings by 32.66%;inhibited the rooting rate, the root number and the length of roots of pea cuttings by 73.59%,59.68%, and 87.83%, respectively; inhibited the germination rates of Indian mustard ( Brassica juncea var. napiformis ) and wild cabbage by 15.30% and 83.43%, respectively. The stem extracts of wanderingjew zebrina ( Zebrina pendula ) and Setcreasea purpurea had also different stimulatory or inhibitory effects on the rooting of cuttings and germination rates of seeds.