无机氮肥的施用量对花生根瘤的形成和发育有不同抑制作用。亩施氮2.5kg时,单株根瘤数和根瘤干重比亩施氮0kg显著减少(P<0.05),根瘤形成时间推迟。随着施氮水平拉高,抑制作用加强。 花生植株氮素营养随不同施氮水平发生相应变比。苗期、花针期,植株含氮量随施氮水平提高而提高,成熟期,植株含氮量随施氮水平提高而下降,而随植株根瘤数和根瘤干重增加而提高。结荚期为花生植株含氮高峰期,随后下降,但苗期施氮高时,植株含氮高峰则提前于花针期,随后迅速下降。 花生荚果产量以 NZ;最高,N服低。
The results obtained from using different nitrogen level in field expriments were as follows: Nodulation and development of peanuts were inhibited by inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. When applying 2. 5 kg net nitrogen per mu, the number and dry weight of nodules per peanut plant were both notably inhibited (P< 0. 05), and nodulation date was later than that of untreated control. The nitrogen supply to the plants varied with different nitrogen levels. Before the podding slage .such as the seedling stage and pod-pin stage, the nitrogen content of plant body was increased by increasing the amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer. After the podding stage, that is, the maturation stage, the nitrogen content of the plant was increased as the number and dry weight of nodules per plant increased. Nitrogen content of plant was highest in the podding stage, but with excessive nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogen content of the plant was highest in the pod-pin stage. The yield of peanuts was highest in the N2.5 treament group and lowest in the N10.