邓立新 叶浩. 氦氖激光针抑制慢痛的研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1990, (4): 25-34.
    引用本文: 邓立新 叶浩. 氦氖激光针抑制慢痛的研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1990, (4): 25-34.
    Den Lixin Ye Hao. A STUDY ON THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF He-Nc LASER ACUPUNCTURE ON SLOW PAIN[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1990, (4): 25-34.
    Citation: Den Lixin Ye Hao. A STUDY ON THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF He-Nc LASER ACUPUNCTURE ON SLOW PAIN[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1990, (4): 25-34.



    • 摘要: 本文以C类纤维皮层体感诱发电位C-CEP作为慢痛指标,观察了氦氖激光隔皮照射外周神经时对C-CEP的抑制效应。证实其抑制程度在一定范围内随照射剂量的增加而愈显著;其抑制过程表现出诱导期和后作用现象及两相抑制过程,同时也观察到该抑制作用能被纳洛酮所反转。


      Abstract: In this study,the average cortical evoked potential elicited by stimulating selectively tbe C-fibers (C-CEP) in the sapbenous nerve was taken as an index to reflect stow pain in order to observe the analgesic effect of He-Ne laser acupuncture. The results were as follows:1. Experiments carried out on 20 cats showed that both 1. 5 mW (irradiating distance 5 cm ,spot diameter 1. 5 mm,power density 84. 93 mW/cm2) and 15 mW(irradiating distance 10 cm ,spot diameter 2 mm,power density 477.71 mW/cm2) He-Ne laser irradiation on the median nerve inhibited very markedly the C-CEP.This suggested that laser acupuncture could inhibit slow pain.2. Intravenous injection of naloxone(0. 4 mg/kg) was able to reverse tbe inhibitory effect (on the C-CEP) caused by He-Ne laser acupuncture. This result indicated that the inhibitory effect of laser acupuncture analgesia was related to the activity of opiate-like substances(OLS).3. The induction period and tbe after effect of analgesia resembling those observed clinically in electro-acupuncture were also found in He-Ne laser acupuncture. In addition,in higher output power He-Ne laser (15 mW) irradiation in cats, two phases of inhibitory effect on the C-CEP were observed : the inhibition occurred firstly (1st phase) during and for a short duration immediately after tbe cessation of laser acupuncture, and then recurred (2nd phase) from the 3rd to the 20th min. after the cessation of laser Irradiation.4. From tbe results presented,it appeared that the effectiveness of He -Ne laser analgesia and tbe irradiated dosage of laser (i. e. tbe energy density denoted by j/ cm2) are,within certain limits, positively correlated.


