
    Study on aquaculture wastewater disposal through dual microbial fuel cell constructed by coupling anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge and chlorella

    • 摘要:
      目的 利用厌氧氨氧化污泥和小球藻耦合构建双生物微生物燃料电池(DMFC),以期在产电的同时有效去除养殖废水中的高浓度氮磷和有机物,为养殖废水处理和生物能源制备提供新途径。
      方法 将厌氧氨氧化污泥和模拟废水以体积比1∶4混合后投加至阳极室,小球藻和BG-11培养基以体积比1∶4混合后加入阴极室,运行24 h后阳极开始出水,并将阳极出水加入阴极室中,保持恒温并设置光照周期模式,监测电压及废水中氨氮、NO2−N、NO3−N、总磷质量浓度,可溶性化学需氧量(SCOD)和pH。
      结果 厌氧氨氧化污泥和小球藻之间存在明显的电子交换,系统产电性能良好,DMFC稳定运行阶段正负峰值电压分别为45、−125 mV。氨氮质量浓度由1 588.97 mg/L降至602.75 mg/L,去除率达62.07%;NO2−N、总磷和SCOD去除率分别为88.62%、54.45%和63.72%。系统在pH为9.5的条件下能稳定运行。
      结论 本研究成功构建了一个厌氧氨氧化污泥耦合小球藻的DMFC系统,该系统不仅能有效脱氮、除磷、降低有机物浓度,还能持续产电,是协同解决环境与能源问题的有效途径。


      Objective To construct the dual microbial fuel cell (DMFC) by coupling anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge and chlorella, hoping to remove the high concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter in aquaculture wastewater while generating electricity, and provide a new way for aquaculture wastewater disposal and bioenergy preparation.
      Method The anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge was mixed with simulated wastewater at the volume ratio of 1∶4 and added to the anode chamber, while chlorella was mixed with BG-11 medium at the volume ratio of 1∶4 and added to the cathode chamber. After running for 24 h, the anode chamber began to discharge water, which was then added to the cathode chamber. The system was maintained at a constant temperature and a light-dark cycle mode. The voltage, mass concentrations of ammonia nitrogen/NO2-N/NO3-N/total phosphorus, soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) and pH of wastewater were monitored during the system running.
      Result There was an obvious electron exchange between the anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge and chlorella, and the system had good electric generation performance, the positive and negative peak voltages of DMFC in the stable operation stage were 45 and −125 mV respectively. The ammonia nitrogen mass concentration decreased from 1 588.97 mg/L to 602.75 mg/L, with the removal rate of 62.07%; The removal rates of NO2-N, total phosphorus and SCOD were 88.62%, 54.45% and 63.72% respectively. The system operated stably at pH 9.5.
      Conclusion This study successfully establishes a DMFC system constructed by coupling anaerobic ammonia oxidation sludge and chlorella. The system not only effectively removes nitrogen, phosphorus and reduces organic matter concentration but also continuously generates electricity, providing an effective way to address environmental and energy issues simultaneously.


