
    Study on EMS mutagenesis breeding of Lagerstroemia speciosa

    • 摘要:
      目的 为了丰富大花紫薇育种方式,探究甲基磺酸乙醇(EMS)诱变其最适条件。
      方法 以大花紫薇的成熟种子为研究材料,比较和分析EMS不同浓度和处理时间对大花紫薇种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。
      结果 EMS处理能够抑制大花紫薇种子萌发,EMS浓度和处理时间对抑制效果有显著影响。20 g·L−1 EMS处理12 h后全部致死;随着EMS浓度变高、处理时间变长,种子发芽起始时间推迟,发芽持续时间变长,胚轴及胚根生长受到的抑制越显著;16 g·L−1 EMS处理12 h和18 g·L−1 EMS处理10 h,其相对致死率分别为47.99%和55.02%,最接近半致死剂量,为大花紫薇EMS诱变可选择的处理组合;EMS处理抑制大花紫薇幼苗生长,且在20 g·L−1 EMS处理8 h时最明显,其株高、冠幅、地径、叶面积分别为8.28 cm、9.66 cm、1.70 mm和29.32 cm2,而叶形指数在20 g·L−1 EMS处理10 h最大,为2.44。
      结论 本研究确定了接近大花紫薇种子EMS诱变半致死剂量的处理组合,可为该植物的新品种培育提供基础。


      Objective In order to enrich the breeding methods of Lagerstroemia speciosa, the optimum conditions of ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis were studied.
      Method The seeds of L. speciosa were used as the study material to compare and analyze the effects of different combinations of EMS concentrations and treatment times on seed germination and seedling growth of L. speciosa.
      Result EMS treatment could inhibit the germination of L. speciosa seeds. The EMS concentration and treatment time had significant impacts on the degree of inhibition. All seeds were killed by treating with 20 g·L−1 EMS for 12 h. The starting time of seed germination was delayed and the germination duration became longer with the increase of EMS concentration and treatment time. The inhibition of hypocotyl and radicle growth was more significant. The relative lethal rates of the 16 g·L−1 EMS treatment for 12 h and the 18 g·L−1 EMS treatment for 10 h were 47.99% and 55.02%, respectively, which were the closest to the lethal concentration 50(LC50). Consequently, the two treatment combinations could be chosen for EMS mutagenesis of L. speciosa. The growth of L. speciosa seedlings was inhibited by EMS treatment, with the greatest impact observed at 20 g·L−1 EMS treatment for 8 h. The plant height, crown width, ground diameter and leaf area were 8.28 cm, 9.66 cm, 1.70 mm and 29.32 cm2 respectively. The leaf shape index was found to be the highest after 20 g·L−1 EMS treatment for 10 h, with a value of 2.44.
      Conclusion In this study, the treatment combinations with relative lethal rates close to the LC50 in EMS mutagenesis of L. speciosa seeds are determined, which could provide a basis for the cultivation of new varieties of this plant.


