
    Evaluating the effect of sludge application on soil aggregates based on Meta-analysis

    • 摘要:
      目的 利用Meta分析探讨污泥施用促进土壤团聚的效果,并挖掘其影响因素。
      方法 收集整理1990—2023年间已发表文献,在获取的568篇中、英文文献中精筛出36篇高度匹配文献,运用Meta分析总结污泥施用对土壤团聚体和土壤性质的影响,并利用线性拟合和随机森林模型等方法,分析污泥施用条件下土壤团聚体与土壤性质的关系。
      结果 污泥施用显著提高土壤大团聚体(粒径>0.25 mm)相对含量以及团聚体平均质量直径;与表施(0.20)相比,污泥混施大团聚体相对含量的效应值(0.84)更高;污泥施用显著提高表层(0~20 cm)和深层(20<~40 cm)土壤团聚体平均质量直径,但仅显著增加表层土壤大团聚体相对含量;土壤黏粒含量越低,污泥施用对大团聚体相对含量的效应值越高,土壤黏粒含量<15%、15%~25%和>25%的大团聚体相对含量效应值分别为0.26、0.13和0.05;针对不同污泥施用量,施用量为100<~200 t/hm2时大团聚体相对含量效应值最高(0.35)。线性拟合显示,污泥施用条件下土壤有机质、碳水化合物、全氮、碱解氮、总磷、速效磷含量和磷酸酶活性与大团聚体相对含量呈显著正相关,土壤碱化度和土壤电导率与大团聚体相对含量呈显著负相关。随机森林分析进一步确认,污泥施用提高土壤有机质和碳水化合物含量是促进土壤大团聚体形成的关键原因。Meta回归分析表明,有机质含量的增长可以解释93.79%的大团聚体相对含量效应值变异,碳水化合物含量的增长可以解释76.30%的大团聚体相对含量效应值变异。
      结论 污泥最佳施用条件是按100<~200 t/hm2混施于黏粒含量<15%的0~20 cm土壤中。污泥施用通过提高土壤有机质和碳水化合物含量促进土壤聚集。


      Objective To evaluate the effect of sludge application promoting soil aggregation by using Meta-analysis, and excavate the influencing factors.
      Method We fine screened 36 highly matched papers from 568 papers published in international and domestic journals between 1990 and 2023. The effects of sludge application on soil aggregates and soil properties were evaluated by Meta-analysis. The relationships between soil aggregates and soil properties under sludge application were further analyzed by linear fitting analysis and random-forest model method.
      Result Sludge application significantly increased the relative content of soil macroaggregate (particle diameter > 0.25 mm) and the mean weight diameter of aggregates. Compared with surface application (0.20), mixed application of sludge had a higher effect size (0.84) in the relative content of macroaggregate. Sludge application significantly increased the mean weight diameter of aggregates in both surface (0−20 cm) and deep (20<−40 cm) soil layers, but only significantly increased the relative content of macroaggregate in the surface soil layer. The effect size of the relative content of macroaggregate in soils with clay content <15%, 15%−25%, and >25% under sludge application was 0.26, 0.13, and 0.05, respectively, indicating that the higher effect size occurred in soils with lower clay content. For different sludge application rates, the highest effect size (0.35) of macroaggregate relative content was found in rate of 100<−200 t/hm2. Linear fitting analysis showed that the relative content of macroaggregate had significant and positive correlations with the contents of soil organic matter, carbohydrate, total nitrogen, alkaline hydrolyzable nitrogen, total phosphorus, available phosphorus, and phosphatase activity, while having significant and negative correlations with soil exchangeable sodium percentage and electrical conductivity. Random-forest analysis further indicated that the increase of soil organic matter and carbohydrate contents by sludge application was the main reason for the improvement of soil aggregation. Meta-regression analysis showed that the increase of organic matter content could explain 93.79% of the effect size of macroaggregate relative content, and the increase of carbohydrate content could explain 76.30%.
      Conclusion The optimal application condition of sludge is mixed in 0−20 cm depth soil with clay content <15% at the amount of 100<−200 t/hm2. The sludge application increases soil organic matter content and carbohydrate content, and then promotes soil aggregation.


