
    Mathematical model analyses of laying curves for layer breeders in natural mating cages

    • 摘要:
      目的  筛选适合四层层叠本交笼鸡舍种鸡的最佳产蛋曲线数学模型。
      方法  所有试验鸡均饲喂于全封闭式鸡舍四层层叠式本交笼,采集19~61周龄的海兰褐父母代种鸡的产蛋记录,运用伍德模型、McMillan模型和杨宁模型拟合种鸡产蛋率,并比对分析3种模型的拟合效果。
      结果  3种模型均可用于产蛋率拟合,杨宁模型、McMillan模型和伍德模型R值分别为0.997 87、0.964 63和0.764 57,说明杨宁模型的拟合效果最好,McMillan模型次之,伍德模型最差。杨宁模型更适合实际观测数据,适合程度约为McMillan模型的1.160 37×1026倍,为伍德模型的1.599 31×1042倍。不同生产阶段的产蛋率呈不同特征,与海兰褐标准产蛋率相比,种鸡在产蛋率上升阶段的实际观测值低于相同周龄的标准值。
      结论  杨宁模型最适合四层层叠本交笼鸡舍种鸡产蛋率拟合,生产过程中要根据模型和产蛋曲线特征科学合理地饲养管理,以达到生产效益最优化。


      Objective  To screen the best mathematical model of laying curves for layer breeders in layer breeder houses installed natural mating cages with four overlap tiers.
      Method  All the experimental Hy-Line Brown parent stock layers were fed in the closed layer breeder houses installed natural mating cages with four overlap tiers, and laying records from the 19th to 61th week were collected. The laying rates were fitted using Wood model, McMillan model and Yangning model respectively, and their fitting effects were compared.
      Result  All three mathematical models were available for laying rate fitting. The R values of Yangning model, McMillan model and Wood model were 0.997 87, 0.964 63 and 0.764 57 respectively, which showed that Yangning model was the best, followed by McMillan model and Wood model successively. Yangning model was more suitable for actually observed data, and the suitability degree was 1.160 37×1026 times of McMillan model, 1.599 31×1042 times of Wood model. The laying rate curves showed different characteristics in different periods. Compared with the standard laying rates of Hy-Line Brown stock layers in the same age, the experimental laying rates of layer breeders during early rising stage were lower.
      Conclusion  Yangning model is most suitable for laying rate fitting of layer breeders in layer breeder houses installed natural mating cages with four overlap tiers. The feeding management should be carried out scientifically and reasonably according to fitting model and egg production curve to maximize the benefits in production process.


