
    Preparation of bacterial agent based on Bacillus subtilis BSF01 and its biodegradation effect on beta-cypermethrin

    • 摘要:
      目的  制备高效氯氰菊酯(β-CP)的降解菌菌剂。
      方法  将前期分离驯化的β-CP高效降解菌株枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis BSF01,通过各助剂成分及含量优化,获得菌剂最佳配方。采用室内模拟试验,检验该菌剂对土壤中β-CP的降解效果。
      结果  试验明确了BSF01菌剂的最佳配方为:以w为30%的BSF01菌粉为主体,添加w为5%的十二烷基苯磺酸钠作为润湿剂、w为7 %的阿拉伯树胶为分散剂、w为4%的磷酸钾为稳定剂和w为1%的糊精为保护剂,并补足载体高岭土至w为100%。该菌剂主要质量指标的检测结果表明,BSF01菌剂芽孢含量为6.50×1011 cfu·g–1,含水量(w)≤0.6%,细度≥99%,润湿时间为32.0 s,悬浮率为78.0%,符合国家标准。将BSF01菌剂稀释100、1 000及2 000倍后,分别投入受β-CP污染的田间土壤,5 d后,以100倍菌剂稀释液处理的土壤中β-CP降解率达到87.50%,有效降低了土壤中β-CP的残留水平。
      结论  枯草芽孢杆菌BSF01菌剂可成为消除农田拟除虫菊酯类农药残留污染的高效安全生物制品。


      Objective  To prepare a bacterial agent that is able to degrade beta-cypermethrin (β-CP).
      Method  Based on previously isolated and cultured Bacillus subtilis BSF01 which had excellent potential in rapidly degrading β-CP, the bacterial formulation was determined by optimizing additives and dosage. The degrading ability of prepared bacterial agent was evaluated in β-CP-contaminated soil under laboratory conditions.
      Result  The optimal formulation was determined to blend 30% bacterial powder with 5% sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate as wetting agent, 7% acacia gum as dispersant and 4% potassium phosphate as stabilizer, appending kaolin as the carrier to 100%. The quality assessment verified that the spore intensity of prepared bacterial agent reached 6.50×1011 cfu·g–1 with low water content (≤0.6%), high fineness (≥99%), short wetting time (32 s) and 78% suspensibility. The prepared agent was sprayed on β-CP-contaminated soil by diluting to 100, 1 000 and 2 000 times, respectively. After five days, about 87.50% of residual β-CP in soil was degraded by bacterial agent at 100-fold dilution, which rapidly decreased the residual level of β-CP in soil.
      Conclusion  The prepared β-CP bacterial agent exhibits outstanding potential in realistic application with further optimization, which may provide an effective, safe and promising bacterial product for eliminating pyrethroid contamination in agricultural environment.


