
    Design and implementation of piggery environmental monitoring system based on ECS and WSN

    • 摘要:
      目的  在“互联网+农业”的大背景下,实现对猪舍中的环境因子、图片信息采集等实时有效的监测和控制,提高系统计算能力、数据存储能力,提升系统可维护性、安全性,降低运维成本。
      方法  采用MSP430F149单片机和CC1101无线传输模块采集环境信息,实现Socket、Http等网络通信,使底层设备具有网络通信功能。综合利用阿里云(Elastic compute service, ECS)技术,将系统部署在云端,通过可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable logic controller,PLC)等电气装置监控猪舍。
      结果  在Web端和手机终端上能够实时监测环境信息、监控猪舍画面,可从上位机发指令远程调节猪舍内小环境。
      结论  该系统稳定可靠,服务器部署在云端可降低生产管理成本,保证数据不丢失,从而提高生产养殖的综合效益。


      Objective  Under the background of “Internet+Agriculture”, to realize real-time and effective monitor and control of piggery environmental factors and picture information collection, improve computing and data storage performance, enhance system maintainability and security, and reduce operational cost.
      Method  Environmental information was collected by MSP430F149 microchip and CC1101 wireless transmission module. Bottom devices had the function of network communication with the software of Socket and Http. The server system was deployed in the cloud using elastic compute service (ECS) technology comprehensively. The electrical installations such as programmable logic controller(PLC) were used to monitor and control piggery.
      Result  Piggery real time information and environmental factors were obtained using web client and mobile app. The piggery microenvironment was adjusted by remotely control of host computer instructions.
      Conclusion  The system works stably and reliably. The server system deployed in the cloud server can reduce the cost of production and management and store the data forever, which can improve the comprehensive benefit of pig raising.


